Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Project 5

I thought project 5 was a great project because it wasn't a project that we would do, get a grade, and never look at it again. This online resume can be updated for many years to come. I am excited that i have a solid basis for a great resume. It is also something i have never thought of before, but it could be very convinient for a person to be able to pull up my resume online. It also shows a bit of my personality with the colors, layouts, and picture. As well as be able to put my resume to a face. Even though it was cool to get an online resume started, it was hard to make my resume specific to my genre. I dont have any experience so far with anything in the health science field. Which makes my resume look pretty blank, but then again, this project helped me realize that i need to start doing things that pertain to my major so i can have the best chance of getting a job i am applying for. I learned alot about genre in this class. The type of genre something is can make something completely different. Like our project 1 on citations, was more about research and actual fact, where as project 3, when writing a personal story, was not about whether or not it was true but more about making the details of the story come to life. I have learned that I have strengths and weaknesses in different types of writing. Now in the future I can remember that there are many options in writing a paper, and when writing for different classes or applying for different jobs, changing the format or content can make a piece more effective to what you are trying t achieve.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Online Resume

For my online resume I think i am going to use the website Weebly. I have never created a website  before so I am pretty intimidated by the thought of creating my own. I dont know how to make links or buttons to click so i hope the website gives you good instructions on how to do that. Medical lab science, my major, is in the health science field. So i was thinking i could incorporate something with that into my resume. Maybe i could use equipment you use in the lab as buttons to click to lead you to other parts of my resume.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Online Composition

Online composition is a site that a person can create all on their own and write pretty much whatever they want on it. It can be like a facebook page, myspace, twitter, xanga, or just a blog that you write about your everyday life. Websites and webpages are good for alot of things. One example is keeping in touch with old friends, or friends that you dont live close to. My friend from highschool was study in Africa for the semester, If someone wanted to get ahold of her the prices would be ridiculous to call/text. Even emailing it would be a hassle to write to every person the same story about your week, so she has a blog that she posts and all her friends and family can see what she has been up to. Sometimes blogging isnt so great because so many people can read it that sometimes it may be too personal or not personal enough for the person reading the blog when wanting to keep in touch with someone.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Examples of Images telling a story

This is picture is telling a story about smoking, it is saying that smoking can harm little children, even second hand smoke, so you smoking around your children is like them smoking.

This little girl was playing, crawling around, maybe playing a game like hide and seek and she got her head stuck in the chair and now she isn't very pleased about it.

These people just got married and are walking to their car/limo while everyone is happy for them and they are happy for themselves. People are congradulating them by cheering and waving sparklers.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Project three

The topic of my project 3 creative writing will be about the time that i got hit by a car. This topic has strengths because it is different, not alot of people have gone through an experience like that so it will be an interesting topic for people to read about. The difficulties i will have is that the accident happened about 5 years ago and the small details are hard to remember, also, after i got hit by the car i was in a state of shock so alot of what happened the rest of the day is kind of a blur. I'm excited to write about this topic because when i tell people i have been hit by a car they laugh and dont understand how it happened, and now i get to write a detailed paper about what happened, almost explain myself, and even though it was my fault, it will be a good story, making people laugh and also an excitment aspect to it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Creative Non-Fiction

I thought David Sedaris' creative nonfiction piece was really cool. If he wouldn't of recorded him reading the story himself, you would of gotten a totally different vibe from the reading of you read it yourself. When you record a piece of creative nonfiction, you will know for sure that your audience will understand the message alot more clear than if they just read the words off the page. David was really sarcastic, and you can really only hear it in his tone and pitch of voice to understand that. If we would of read the story ourselves, we might of thouht that he was trying to be funny and maybe not like the piece because we didnt think it was.

Monday, February 14, 2011


trajectory can be anything from posters, flyers, banners, to window paint, spray paint, sidewalk chalk, or bras hanging from a tree. They are all trying to convey a message to a certain audience, they either wnat you to do something, think something, or maybe believe something. My favorite of the ones we saw today were the lemons hanging from the tree. It was something so different that almost every student on the quad would stop and read what the message on the lemon said, and whether or not they would go through with what the message was saying, the person who was trying to get their idea across definitely got it across to the majority of people who walked through the quad. I think I am going to revamp a flyer for a room mate. Even though its a smaller audience because not many people are looking for flyers about open rooms it would still be a good idea to have a flyer that would stand out from other people who are trying to find a room mate so you could have more people to choose from, meaning a better room mate for you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Project 1 Reflection

This project was fairly easy to do for me, the most difficult part was not having any guidelines to follow. While writing essays I normally keep the rubric right by me to look off of as I am typing to make sure i am following all the guidelines and won't loose dumb points. But for this essay the rubric was pretty simple and didn't have many rules to follow so it was difficult for me to write it because I was worried i would do something wrong even though there wasn't much you could do wrongs.
Also, even though i liked the idea that you could choose any topic you wanted, the topic i choose was very broad and could be taken in many different directions with an open rubric. So instead of writing about how reality TV can affect you, or why its bad for children to be exposed to reality TV at such a early age, i decided to look at the topic in a different way and talked about why reality TV is so appealing to viewers and why it's so popular. This narrowed down my topic a ton so it made it easier to break it down into paragraphs and come up with 3 main points.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Essay Topic

My essay topic will be about genetic engineering and why it is unethical

Monday, January 17, 2011


When i hear the word 'citation' the first thing that comes to mind is research papers. In high school, I was alway told to use APA style citations, but in my classes here at ISU i have been using MLA, i dont really have a preference, they are both the same to me. However, it is important to cite sources because of plagiarism. If you dont cite people who read your work will assume that you came up with the ideas or support yourself without help from others, therefore, it's good to recognize the sources that helped you with your own ideas.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

 I am undecided on my major but am interested in the Math and Science genres. Eventually, I would like to be in the Medical and taking care of others genre.  Outside of the classroom and majors, I fit into the joker, dancer, Jodi Piccoult Fan Club, athletic, and creative genres.