Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Creative Non-Fiction

I thought David Sedaris' creative nonfiction piece was really cool. If he wouldn't of recorded him reading the story himself, you would of gotten a totally different vibe from the reading of you read it yourself. When you record a piece of creative nonfiction, you will know for sure that your audience will understand the message alot more clear than if they just read the words off the page. David was really sarcastic, and you can really only hear it in his tone and pitch of voice to understand that. If we would of read the story ourselves, we might of thouht that he was trying to be funny and maybe not like the piece because we didnt think it was.

1 comment:

  1. That's a very good point; Sedaris knows exactly how to say particular words in his piece as well as what the message is exactly that he's trying to convey to his audience. If you choose to do an audio essay, that will be the challenge, but it's also the benefit too. You get to say your piece exactly how you want it to be read, rather than let others interpret it for you.
