Monday, February 14, 2011


trajectory can be anything from posters, flyers, banners, to window paint, spray paint, sidewalk chalk, or bras hanging from a tree. They are all trying to convey a message to a certain audience, they either wnat you to do something, think something, or maybe believe something. My favorite of the ones we saw today were the lemons hanging from the tree. It was something so different that almost every student on the quad would stop and read what the message on the lemon said, and whether or not they would go through with what the message was saying, the person who was trying to get their idea across definitely got it across to the majority of people who walked through the quad. I think I am going to revamp a flyer for a room mate. Even though its a smaller audience because not many people are looking for flyers about open rooms it would still be a good idea to have a flyer that would stand out from other people who are trying to find a room mate so you could have more people to choose from, meaning a better room mate for you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Project 1 Reflection

This project was fairly easy to do for me, the most difficult part was not having any guidelines to follow. While writing essays I normally keep the rubric right by me to look off of as I am typing to make sure i am following all the guidelines and won't loose dumb points. But for this essay the rubric was pretty simple and didn't have many rules to follow so it was difficult for me to write it because I was worried i would do something wrong even though there wasn't much you could do wrongs.
Also, even though i liked the idea that you could choose any topic you wanted, the topic i choose was very broad and could be taken in many different directions with an open rubric. So instead of writing about how reality TV can affect you, or why its bad for children to be exposed to reality TV at such a early age, i decided to look at the topic in a different way and talked about why reality TV is so appealing to viewers and why it's so popular. This narrowed down my topic a ton so it made it easier to break it down into paragraphs and come up with 3 main points.